Standing up for older people in Kenilworth

by richarddickson on 7 November, 2016


For some time, Waverley Day Centre has been waiting to hear from Warwickshire County Council about the terms for renewal of its current peppercorn lease on 65 Waverley Road. This building is where the award-winning Centre provides care and activities for more than 20 local elderly people every Tuesday-Friday and is the base for the town’s new dementia nurse service. Several local community groups also use the building, including local reading, painting and sewing groups.

At each of the charity’s last two AGMs, Conservative Councillors have tried to reassure the Trustees, the charity’s clients and the building’s other community users that the question of a longer-term lease would be resolved soon.
However, enquiries during the summer have failed to produce any answers from the Council and a recent Freedom Of Information request submitted in September to the Council was not answered within the required 20 days.

‘This summer I completed two three year terms as a trustee of the charity. Waverley had always been promised the lease would be sorted soon. Good management over the years means the Centre is in a relatively good financial
position and it has big plans for its future service for local older people. But, even after my FOI request, no date has been set for renewal. One way or another this lease ought to be simple to resolve and for the sake of all of
Waverley’s users, volunteers and staff I hope it’s a positive outcome because the time for empty promises is over.’

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