A Health & Well-being Board in Kenilworth?

by richarddickson on 15 October, 2018

Several years ago Alcester Town Council set up a local health and well-being board to help people remain independent, active, to reduce social isolation and loneliness, and help increase  social integration.

Given the relatively high average age of Kenilworth residents, could this be a useful initiative for Kenilworth?

Health and Wellbeing


The Alcester Health and Well-being Board has conducted a survey of older peoples needs conducted this with 160 people so far, visiting various venues but also just on the high street. This is so it could decide on the most important priorities for older people and focus of those. The Board designed a questionnaire to measure outcomes. People who started a new group or activity were asked to complete the questionnaire – this is to measure their feelings both before and after the intervention. The Board has carried out group videos, asking people how a certain intervention has impacted on them and has visited residential settings to have group discussions around how the Project can support them and developed their ideas.

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